Capture New Revenue Streams with Pro-Digital Telecom Billing Solutions

Telecom industry is reinventing itself amidst the digital storm. No longer traditional telecom services are preferred by users. Subscribers want fast provisioning as they instantly want to use the services they have paid for. Essentially, every telco is digital to some extent.

But the problem is that most telcos are digital in parts, not in the truest sense of the word. There are many departments that are cut-off from others due to legacy systems not able to interact with each other. In case, you are in the same boat and finding it hard to get to the next level, then start a digital revolution with telecom billing solutions.

The Need to Digitalize BSS/ OSS Telecom Billing Solutions

Modern-day customers want a completely digital experience. They want every service to be delivered, tracked and billed accurately. In order to achieve that, you need to digitalize BSS/ OSS telecom billing solutions from the scratch. Some essential aspects of digitalization are:

Online portal for subscriber account management

Whether you are an MNO or MVNO, you simply have to provide an account login to the customers where they can view all their account information. Hence, a multi-tenant platform that can support multiple concurrent user logins is the need of the hour.


A customer should be able to devise his own telecom services plans by stacking up different services as per requirements. He should be able to create his own plans and get a full estimate of usage charges including tariffs, taxes and discounts. Once the request has been created, the OSS should be able to provision the resources instantly.

Convergent billing for complete transparency

A centralized charging architecture with an OCS (Online Charging System) in the middle is needed to bring in the much-needed transparency into billing. An OCS not only charges and rates services, but it also implements credit limits and thresholds with great accuracy. This prevents subscribers from exceeding their allotted quota. The key to OCS’s ability to charge every service is its event- and session-based charging capabilities. It also has an ABMF (Account and Balance Management Function) that stores all the subscriber information and deducts the appropriate amount from the balance when a customer uses a service.

When you add all these functionalities into your day-to-day telecom operations, you are able to go truly digital and automate your B/OSS and billing process.

The Importance of Customer Management and Security in Digital Services

Customer support and management is an essential part of digital telecom services. If you truly want to grow your customer base, then give attention to your customers at every level. For both MNOs and MVNOs, it is important to have the right platform to connect with their subscribers. Pro-digital telecom billing solutions can help you in the following ways:


Modern-day OSS telecom billing solutions that come with the power of APIs can be really useful for MVNOs. If your customers have new demands but your billing system does not allow for that, then you can install an API and add the new functionality. For example, you can offer new payment gateways to your subscribers by a simple installation of API. There is no need to buy a new software or customize your existing software.

Security of latest telecom innovations

A digital platform is prone to hack attacks. Especially when you deliver cutting-edge services like IoT, the threat is even higher. A telecom billing and support platform like Telgoo5 implements robust security and measures to ward off hackers. If you want to manage your customers better, then be very careful about implementing security and keep their information safe.

Comprehensive reporting

Telecom billing solutions should come with complete reporting functionality that allows telcos to understand customer trends and form strategies accordingly.

At Telgoo5, we believe in digitalization of modern-day telecom services at all levels. We employ analytics, high-end security and use a real-time OCS to improve day-to-day operations and prevent revenue leakage.

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